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  • Urlaub Leogang Hotel 1

  • Urlaub Leogang Hotel 3

  • Urlaub Leogang Hotel 3

  • Urlaub Leogang Hotel 3

  • Anderlhof Speisen 1

  • Anderlhof Speisen 6

  • Anderlhof Speisen 2

  • Anderlhof Speisen 13

  • Anderlhof Speisen 18

  • Anderlhof Speisen 18

  • Anderlhof Speisen 18

  • Anderlhof Speisen 18

  • Anderlhof Speisen 21

  • Gasthof Restaurant Zimmer Leogang 0487

  • Gasthof Restaurant Zimmer Leogang 0592

  • Gasthof Restaurant Zimmer Leogang 0700

  • Gasthof Restaurant Zimmer Leogang 0605

  • Gasthof Restaurant Zimmer Leogang 0624

  • Gasthof Restaurant Zimmer Leogang 0640

  • Gasthof Restaurant Zimmer Leogang 0865

  • Bauernhof Leogang 4

  • Bauernhof Leogang 12

  • Bauernhof Leogang

  • Zimmer Leogang 9

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Excursion destinations

Excursion destinations

around the Anderlhof

A holiday in Leogang in the beautiful province of Salzburg will give you dreamlike days with unforgettable experiences. Here you can experience a lot in Leogang and the immediate surroundings. Should you make day trips, you can also go to the Mozart city of Salzburg or over the Grossglockner to Carinthia. But beware: no matter what you do - the experiences during your holiday at the Anderlhof in Leogang may make you a regular guest.

  • Mountain of the senses

    More than 25 stations and devices inspire children of all ages and also adults in the sensory experience park! Under the motto: Experience how the eye sees, the ear hears, the nose smells, the skin feels, the foot understands and the hand grasps, children are shown the exciting side of nature in a playful way and creativity is encouraged. In Leo's water world with a walk-through waterfall and integrated barefoot path, there is no room for boredom!

  • Leogang show mine

    "Glück auf" (Good luck) is the motto at the oldest mining works in the country - you can follow in the footsteps of the miners and visit the old tunnels. In addition, child-friendly guided tours with subsequent treasure hunt are organized every Wednesday during the summer months. After the tour, a stop in the cozy Knappenstube is a welcome way to fortify yourself. An ideal bad weather program. Warm clothing and sturdy shoes are required!

  • Krimml waterfalls

    With their incredible drop height of 380 meters, the Krimml Waterfalls are not only among the most famous waterfalls in Europe, but also among the largest. A hiking trail leads directly along this spectacular natural spectacle and lets you experience "up close" the refreshing spray. The unique backdrop of the Hohe Tauern National Park and the powerful element of "water" make a day trip to these waterfalls a unique experience!

  • Reservoirs Kaprun

    The two reservoirs Moserboden and Wasserfallboden are located amidst the majestic mountains of the Hohe Tauern. Take the unique opportunity to hike along the 107 m high and almost 500 m long Moser dam on a guided tour of the dam wall. Inside the dam you will get an insight into how "clean" electricity is generated here from 160 million m³ of water. In any case, an interesting experience and an adventurous excursion!

  • Riemannshaus

    Between Sommerstein and Breithorn, in the middle of the Berchtesgaden Alps in the Steinernes Meer, the Riemannhaus was built. It stands imposingly on the Ramseider Scharte at 2,177 meters above sea level. The ascent to the hut requires both surefootedness and stamina and takes about 6.5 hours. You will be rewarded at the destination with a magnificent panoramic view, a sun terrace and an extensive rest with delicacies from the local cuisine!

  • Wildpark Ferleiten

    The Ferleiten Game Park is located directly on the Grossglockner Road, is about 15 hectares in size and shows interested more than 200 native wild animals. Brown bears, lynxes, bison, wolves and raccoons can be observed there as well as red deer, chamois and fallow deer. It will take you about an hour to walk through the game park - all paths are suitable for strollers and wheelchairs. You will also find plenty of resting opportunities and an observation tower in the park.

  • Grossglockner High Alpine Road

    The Grossglockner High Alpine Road leads through the Hohe Tauern National Park up to the highest mountain in Austria, the Grossglockner (3,798 m) and its glacier, the Pasterze. On the way up to the Kaiser-Franz-Josefs-Höhe, not only do 48 kilometers and 36 hairpin bends have to be mastered, but a nature and driving experience of a very special kind also awaits you. Even for motorcyclists, a tour on the most famous alpine road is an unforgettable experience!

  • Mozart City Salzburg

    A day trip to the Mozart and festival city of Salzburg should be considered in any case in your vacation planning. Not only the Getreidegasse, Mozart's birthplace, Mirabell Palace and the Kapuzinerberg are worth seeing. The Trinity Church or the St. Blasius Church, but also the Toy Museum are worth visiting. It is impossible to see all the sights of this special city in one day. But you can still try!

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in Leogang

With the help of the webcam you can – even though you are not actually there yourself  - see what's happening in Leogang.

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Winter holiday

Winter holiday in Leogang

Active, romantic - both?

Trotz der Ruhe und Beschaulichkeit, die die Region rund um Leogang ausstrahlt, gibt es im Winterurlaub in Leogang noch viel Raum für sportliche Aktivitäten. Der Skicircus Saalbach-Hinterglemm Leogang Fieberbrunn lockt mit 270 zusammenhängenden Pistenkilometern und traumhaften Abfahrten für alle Skifahrer und Snowboarder. Tourenskifahrer können direkt vom Hotel aus starten und werden nach einem genussvollen Aufstieg mit einer Tiefschneeabfahrt belohnt.

Der tiefblaue Winterhimmel und die frische Bergluft machen den Winter in Leogang zu einem besonderen Erlebnis. Erkunden Sie die herrliche Landschaft auf beschauliche und doch sportliche Weise beim Langlaufen, bei Winter- und Schneeschuhwanderungen, beim Rodeln oder bei einer romantischen Pferdekutschenfahrt.

  • Skifahren Winter Skicircus Saalfelden Leogang 2

  • Langlaufen Leogang Winterurlaub Saalfelden 3

  • Skifahren Winter Skicircus Saalfelden Leogang 4

  • Langlaufen Leogang Winterurlaub Saalfelden 6

Tauern Spa in Kaprun - Ein Wellness-Tempel für Geist und Körper!

Wellness, Kosmetik, Massagen, Sauna, Dampfbad, Aromagrotten, Schwimmbäder - kurzum, eine umfangreiche Auswahl, die Ihnen hilft, sich zu entspannen! Denn was gibt es Schöneres, als im Urlaub einfach mal einen Tag "Nichtstun" zu genießen. Auch für Familien ist ein Ausflug in die Wasserlandschaft im Tauern Spa Kaprun ein Erlebnis. Das spezielle Kinder-SPA "Kidstein" lockt mit vielen Attraktionen.

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Secure a holiday in Leogang

Helmut Seer Family
Pirzbichl 14
5771 Leogang

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